[Numpy-discussion] printing array in tabular form

Henry Gomersall heng at cantab.net
Fri May 10 07:59:07 EDT 2013

On Fri, 2013-05-10 at 17:14 +0800, Sudheer Joseph wrote:
> Thank you,
>               But I was looking for  a format statement likw
> write(*,"(A,5F8.3)")
> with best regards,
> Sudheer

How about the following:

print('IL = ' + (('%d,' * 5)[:-1] + '\n     ') * 5 % tuple(IL))

If instead of a list IL you had some arbitrary 2D array, a, you could do
(with 2 lines for clarity):

print_string = 'a  = ' + (('%d,' * a.shape[1])[:-1] + '\n     ') *
                          a.shape[0] % tuple(a.T.ravel())

I'll leave it as an exercise for you to put that into a file.


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