[Numpy-discussion] Remove support for numeric and numarray in 1.8

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 18:41:52 EST 2013

On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 4:21 PM, Christopher Hanley <chanley at gmail.com>wrote:

> After poking around our code base and talking to a few folks I predict
> that we at STScI can remove our dependence on the numpy-numarray
> compatibility layer by the end of this calendar year.  I'm unsure of what
> the timeline for numpy 1.8 is so I don't know if this schedule supports
> removal of the compatibility layer from 1.8 or not.
Together with the previous post that puts the kibosh on removing either
numeric or numarray support from 1.8, at least if we get 1.8 before the end
of summer. It's good to know where folks stand with regard to those
packages, we'll give it another shot next year.

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