[Numpy-discussion] wheels for OS X: request for testing

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Sun Dec 8 06:12:07 EST 2013

Hi all,

At http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/wheels_to_test/ you can find
a set of wheels, for numpy, scipy and ipython plus its dependencies. These
are for the following configuration only:
  - OSX >= 10.6
  - Python 2.7 32/64-bit from python.org

It would be great if OS X users could test these. We're interested in
whether these wheels work, and also if you run into any issues installing
wheels. Since (a) I'm not really sure myself what the recommended and most
robust way is to install wheels, and (b) it's interesting to see if the
docs and usability of pip/wheel are ready for prime time, I'm not going to
give the commands to execute but instead link to the relevant docs:


Please try this out and share your experience.


P.S.if you're wondering what on earth wheels are, they're the new binary
install format for the standard python packaging and distribution tools
(pip, setuptools).
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