[Numpy-discussion] tests for casting table? (was: Numpy 1.7b1 API change cause big trouble)

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Mon Sep 17 05:22:44 EDT 2012


On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 6:12 PM, Frédéric Bastien <nouiz at nouiz.org> wrote:
> The third is releated to change to the casting rules in numpy. Before
> a scalar complex128 * vector float32 gived a vector of dtype
> complex128. Now it give a vector of complex64. The reason is that now
> the scalar of different category only change the category, not the
> precision. I would consider a must that we warn clearly about this
> interface change. Most people won't see it, but people that optimize
> there code heavily could depend on such thing.

It seems to me that it would be a very good idea to put the casting
table results into the tests to make sure we are keeping track of this
kind of thing.

I'm happy to try to do it if no-one else more qualified has time.



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