[Numpy-discussion] [ANN] OpenOpt Suite release 0.42

Dmitrey tmp50 at ukr.net
Sat Sep 15 06:51:55 EDT 2012

Hi all,

I'm glad to inform you about new OpenOpt Suite release 0.42
(2012-Sept-15). Main changes:

*  Some improvements for solver interalg, including handling of
categorical variables
*  Some parameters for solver gsubg
*  Speedup objective function for de and pswarm on FuncDesigner models
*  New global (GLP) solver: asa (adaptive simulated annealing)
*  Some new classes for network problems: TSP (traveling salesman
problem), STAB (maximum graph stable set)], MCP (maximum clique problem)
*  Improvements for FD XOR (and now it can handle many inputs)
*  Solver de has parameter "seed", also, now it works with PyPy
*  Function sign now is available in FuncDesigner
*  FuncDesigner interval analysis (and thus solver interalg) now can
handle non-monotone splines of 1st order
*  FuncDesigner now can handle parameter fixedVars as Python dict
*  Now scipy InterpolatedUnivariateSpline is used in FuncDesigner
interpolator() instead of UnivariateSpline. This creates backward
incompatibility - you cannot pass smoothing parameter (s) to interpolator
no longer.
*  SpaceFuncs: add Point weight, Disk, Ball and method contains(), bugfix
for importing Sphere, some new examples
*  Some improvements (essential speedup, new parameter interpolate for
P()) for our (currently commercial) FuncDesigner Stochastic Programming
*  Some bugfixes

In our website ( http://openopt.org ) you could vote for most required
OpenOpt Suite development direction(s) (poll has been renewed, previous
results are here).

Regards, D.
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