[Numpy-discussion] numpy sort is not working

Jadhav, Alok alok.jadhav at credit-suisse.com
Tue Sep 11 01:52:57 EDT 2012

Hi Travis,


Very Strange. I am on version 1.6.2 L

What could I be missing. I started using numpy quite recently. Is there
a way to share the data with you?




Alok Jadhav

GAT IT Hong Kong

+852 2101 6274 (*852 6274)


From: numpy-discussion-bounces at scipy.org
[mailto:numpy-discussion-bounces at scipy.org] On Behalf Of Travis Oliphant
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 11:58 AM
To: Discussion of Numerical Python
Subject: Re: [Numpy-discussion] numpy sort is not working


Hey Alok, 


This is worth taking a look.   What version of NumPy are you using?  


It is not related directly to the issue you referenced as that was an
endian-ness issue and your data is native-order.   


Your example seems to work for me (with a simulated case on 1.6.1)







On Sep 10, 2012, at 10:46 PM, Jadhav, Alok wrote:


Hi everyone,


I have a numpy array of dimensions


>>> allRics.shape 
(583760, 1) 


To sort the array, I set the dtype of the array as follows:


allRics.dtype = [('idx', np.float), ('opened', np.float), ('time',

>>> allRics.dtype

dtype([('idx', '<f8'), ('opened', '<f8'), ('time', '<f8'), ('trdp1',
'<f8'), ('trdp0', '<f8'), ('dt', '<f8'), ('value', '<f8')])


I checked and the endianness in dtype is correct.


When I sort the array, the output array of sort is same as original
array without any change. I want to sort the allRics numpy array on
'time'. I do the following.


>>> x=np.sort(allRics,order='time')

>>> x[17330:17350]['time']

array([[ 61184.4  ],

       [ 61188.51 ],

       [ 61188.979],

       [ 61188.979],

       [ 61189.989],

       [ 61191.66 ],

       [ 61194.35 ],

       [ 61194.35 ],

       [ 61198.79 ],

       [ 61198.145],

       [ 36126.217],

       [ 36126.217],

       [ 36126.218],

       [ 36126.218],

       [ 36126.219],

       [ 36126.271],

       [ 36126.271],

       [ 36126.271],

       [ 36126.293],

       [ 36126.293]])


Time column doesn't change its order. Could someone please advise what
is missing here? Is this related to the bug

(from 2010).









Alok Jadhav


GAT IT Hong Kong, KVAG 67

International Commerce Centre | Hong Kong | Hong Kong

Phone +852 2101 6274 | Mobile +852 9169 7172

alok.jadhav at credit-suisse.com | www.credit-suisse.com



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