[Numpy-discussion] copy/deepcopy pull request, Travis build failure

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Thu Oct 25 21:27:24 EDT 2012

Hi Sebastian,

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 4:15 PM, Sebastian Berg
<sebastian at sipsolutions.net>wrote:

> On Thu, 2012-10-25 at 17:48 -0400, David Warde-Farley wrote:
> > I submitted a pull request and one of the Travis builds is failing:
> >
> >     https://travis-ci.org/#!/numpy/numpy/jobs/2933551
> >
> Don't worry about that failure on Travis... It happens randomly on at
> the moment and its unrelated to anything you are doing.
> I am not sure though you can change behavior like that since you also
> change the default behavior of the `.copy()` method and someone might
> rely on that? Maybe making it specific to the copy model would make it
> unlikely that anyone relies on the default, it would seem sensible that
> copy.copy(array) does basically the same as np.copy(array) and not as
> the method .copy, though ideally maybe the differences could be removed
> in the long run I guess.
You seem to becoming more involved in the code maintenance. Would you be
interested in gaining commit rights at some point?

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