[Numpy-discussion] Fixing issue of future opaqueness of ndarray this summer

Dag Sverre Seljebotn d.s.seljebotn at astro.uio.no
Tue May 15 13:52:34 EDT 2012

On 05/13/2012 12:27 AM, Charles R Harris wrote:
> On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 3:55 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
> <d.s.seljebotn at astro.uio.no <mailto:d.s.seljebotn at astro.uio.no>> wrote:
>     On 05/11/2012 03:37 PM, mark florisson wrote:
>      > On 11 May 2012 12:13, Dag Sverre
>     Seljebotn<d.s.seljebotn at astro.uio.no
>     <mailto:d.s.seljebotn at astro.uio.no>>  wrote:
>      >> (NumPy devs: I know, I get too many ideas. But this time I
>     *really* believe
>      >> in it, I think this is going to be *huge*. And if Mark F. likes
>     it it's not
>      >> going to be without manpower; and as his mentor I'd pitch in too
>     here and
>      >> there.)
>      >>
>      >> (Mark F.: I believe this is *very* relevant to your GSoC. I
>     certainly don't
>      >> want to micro-manage your GSoC, just have your take.)
>      >>
>      >> Travis, thank you very much for those good words in the "NA-mask
>      >> interactions..." thread. It put most of my concerns away. If
>     anybody is
>      >> leaning towards for opaqueness because of its OOP purity, I want
>     to refer to
>      >> C++ and its walled-garden of ideological purity -- it has, what, 3-4
>      >> different OOP array libraries, neither of which is able to
>     out-compete the
>      >> other. Meanwhile the rest of the world happily cooperates using
>     pointers,
>      >> strides, CSR and CSC.
>      >>
>      >> Now, there are limits to what you can do with strides and
>     pointers. Noone's
>      >> denying the need for more. In my mind that's an API where you can do
>      >> fetch_block and put_block of cache-sized, N-dimensional blocks
>     on an array;
>      >> but it might be something slightly different.
>      >>
>      >> Here's what I'm asking: DO NOT simply keep extending ndarray and
>     the NumPy C
>      >> API to deal with this issue.
>      >>
>      >> What we need is duck-typing/polymorphism at the C level. If you keep
>      >> extending ndarray and the NumPy C API, what we'll have is a
>     one-to-many
>      >> relationship: One provider of array technology, multiple
>     consumers (with
>      >> hooks, I'm sure, but all implementations of the hook concept in
>     the NumPy
>      >> world I've seen so far are a total disaster!).
>      >>
>      >> What I think we need instead is something like PEP 3118 for the
>     "abstract"
>      >> array that is only available block-wise with getters and
>     setters. On the
>      >> Cython list we've decided that what we want for CEP 1000 (for boxing
>      >> callbacks etc.) is to extend PyTypeObject with our own fields;
>     we could
>      >> create CEP 1001 to solve this issue and make any Python object
>     an exporter
>      >> of "block-getter/setter-arrays" (better name needed).
>      >>
>      >> What would be exported is (of course) a simple vtable:
>      >>
>      >> typedef struct {
>      >>     int (*get_block)(void *ctx, ssize_t *upper_left, ssize_t
>     *lower_right,
>      >> ...);
>      >>     ...
>      >> } block_getter_setter_array_vtable;
>      >>
>      >> Let's please discuss the details *after* the fundamentals. But
>     the reason I
>      >> put void* there instead of PyObject* is that I hope this could
>     be used
>      >> beyond the Python world (say, Python<->Julia); the void* would
>     be handed to
>      >> you at the time you receive the vtable (however we handle that).
>      >
>      > I suppose it would also be useful to have some way of predicting the
>      > output format polymorphically for the caller. E.g. dense *
>      > block_diagonal results in block diagonal, but dense + block_diagonal
>      > results in dense, etc. It might be useful for the caller to know
>      > whether it needs to allocate a sparse, dense or block-structured
>      > array. Or maybe the polymorphic function could even do the
>     allocation.
>      > This needs to happen recursively of course, to avoid intermediate
>      > temporaries. The compiler could easily handle that, and so could
>     numpy
>      > when it gets lazy evaluation.
>     Ah. But that depends too on the computation to be performed too; a)
>     elementwise, b) axis-wise reductions, c) linear algebra...
>     In my oomatrix code (please don't look at it, it's shameful) I do this
>     using multiple dispatch.
>     I'd rather ignore this for as long as we can, only implementing "a[:] =
>     ..." -- I can't see how decisions here would trickle down to the API
>     that's used in the kernel, it's more like a pre-phase, and better
>     treated orthogonally.
>      > I think if the heavy lifting of allocating output arrays and
>     exporting
>      > these arrays work in numpy, then support in Cython could use that (I
>      > can already hear certain people object to more complicated array
>     stuff
>      > in Cython :). Even better here would be an external project that each
>      > our projects could use (I still think the nditer sorting
>     functionality
>      > of arrays should be numpy-agnostic and externally available).
>     I agree with the separate project idea. It's trivial for NumPy to
>     incorporate that as one of its methods for exporting arrays, and I don't
>     think it makes sense to either build it into Cython, or outright depend
>     on NumPy.
>     Here's what I'd like (working title: NumBridge?).
>       - Mission: Be the "double* + shape + strides" in a world where that is
>     no longer enough, by providing tight, focused APIs/ABIs that are usable
>     across C/Fortran/Python.
>     I basically want something I can quickly acquire from a NumPy array,
>     then pass it into my C code without dragging along all the cruft that I
>     don't need.
>       - Written in pure C + specs, usable without Python
>       - PEP 3118 "done right", basically semi-standardize the internal
>     Cython memoryview ABI and get something that's passable on stack
>       - Get block get/put API
>       - Iterator APIs
>       - Utility code for exporters and clients (iteration code, axis
>     reordering, etc.)
>     Is the scope of that insane, or is it at least worth a shot to see how
>     bad it is? Beyond figuring out a small subset that can be done first,
>     and whether performance considerations must be taken or not, there's two
>     complicating factors: Pluggable dtypes, memory management. Perhaps you
>     could come to Oslo for a couple of days to brainstorm...
> There have been musings on this list along those lines with the idea
> that numpy/ufuncs would be built on top of that base, so it isn't crazy
> ;) Perhaps it is time to take a more serious look at it. Especially if
> there is help to get it implemented and made available through tools
> such as Cython.

As this matured, I agree with what seems to be Mark Florisson's feeling 
that this is a bit too daunting for a GSoC tack-on.

For now, my part will be to try to push forward with CEP 1001 on 
python-dev etc. over the summer, so that new features in NumPy that are 
not covered by PEP 3118 can be eventually exported by new slots in 
PyTypeObject rather than requiring consumers to use PyObject_TypeCheck 
and the NumPy C API. That should make it much easier to develop and play 
with new features by having more classes, rather than having to stick 
everything in ndarray.

Of course, there can still be a NumPy C API; it would just tend to 
change "PyArrayObject*" to "PyObject*" in new NumPy C API functions, and 
simply have a macro that forwards to a polymorphic dispatch (it's 
already a function pointer in the calling module; so this would just 
make it a function pointer on the type object instead).

Does the NumPy devs agree with this vision? (I'll plunge ahead anyway 
because we'll need it internally in Cython.)


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