[Numpy-discussion] "arg" searchsorted

Bryan Van de Ven bryanv at continuum.io
Mon Mar 26 18:32:26 EDT 2012

On 3/26/12 4:57 PM, Charles R Harris wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 3:34 PM, Bryan Van de Ven <bryanv at continuum.io 
> <mailto:bryanv at continuum.io>> wrote:
>     I recently got asked about an "arg" version of searchsorted,
>     basically a
>     version that could take a sorter as an additional argument. For
>     instance:
>         In [13]: a = np.array([5,6,8,1,6,9,0])
>         In [14]: s = np.argsort(a)
>         In [17]: s
>         Out[17]: array([6, 3, 0, 1, 4, 2, 5])
>         In [18]: np.searchsorted(a, [1.5, 7.2], sorter=sorter)
>         Out[18]: array([2, 5])
> An alternate API would be to pass a pair (a, sorter) as the first 
> argument.
> Chuck

Sure, that would be easy enough to implement. I don't really have a 
preference, is there a reason you would prefer that API?

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