[Numpy-discussion] Meta: help, devel and stackoverflow

Travis Oliphant travis at continuum.io
Thu Jun 28 09:33:07 EDT 2012

There are some good ideas here. 

I propose splitting this list into devel and users lists.

This might best be done by creating a new list for users and using this list for development. 


Travis Oliphant
(on a mobile)

On Jun 27, 2012, at 11:38 PM, srean <srean.list at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi List,
> this has been brought up several times, and the response has been
> generally positive but it has fallen through the cracks. So here are a
> few repeat requests. Am keeping it terse just for brevity
> i) Split the list into [devel] and [help] and as was mentioned
> recently [rant/flame]:
>   some request for help get drowned out during active development
> related discussions and simple help requests pollutes more urgent
> development related matters.
> ii) Stackoverflow like site for help as well as for proposals.
>    The silent majority has been referred to a few times recently. I
> suspect there does exist many lurkers on the list who do prefer one
> discussed solution over the other but for various reasons do not break
> out of their lurk mode to send a mail saying "I prefer this solution".
> Such an interface will also help in keeping track of the level of
> support as compared to mails that are larges hunks of quoted text with
> a line or two stating ones preference or seconding a proposal.
> One thing I have learned from traffic accidents is that if one asks
> for a help of the assembled crowd, no one knows how to respond. On the
> other hand if you say "hey there in a blue shirt could you get some
> water"  you get instant results. So pardon me for taking the
> presumptuous liberty to request Travis to please set it up or
> delegate.
> Splitting the lists shouldn't be hard work, setting up overflow might
> be more work in comparison.
> Best
> -- srean
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