[Numpy-discussion] numpy arrays

bob tnur bobtnur78 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 9 14:12:40 EDT 2012

> Hi every body!
> I have a &b numpy arrays
> a=np.loadtxt('çm1.txt',  dtype=np.float, skiprows=2,usecols=[1])
> b=np.loadtxt('çm1.txt',  dtype=('x', np.float64),  skiprows=2,usecols=[2])
> how to save  multiple files like cm1.txt,cm2.txt,cm3.txt etc and to
> produce their corresponding outputs cm1.out,cm2.out,cm3.out etc.

   or how to modify this:
   np.savetxt(*fname*, *(a*,b), *fmt='%4*.8f*'*)

> I appreciate your help
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