[Numpy-discussion] 'Advanced' save and restore operation

Samuel John scipy at samueljohn.de
Tue Jan 24 17:44:10 EST 2012

I know you wrote that you want "TEXT" files, but never-the-less, I'd like to point to http://code.google.com/p/h5py/ .
There are viewers for hdf5 and it is stable and widely used.


On 24.01.2012, at 00:26, Emmanuel Mayssat wrote:

> After having saved data, I need to know/remember the data dtype to
> restore it correctly.
> Is there a way to save the dtype with the data?
> (I guess the header parameter of savedata could help, but they are
> only available in v2.0+ )
> I would like to save several related structured array and a dictionary
> of parameters into a TEXT file.
> Is there an easy way to do that?
> (maybe xml file, or maybe archive zip file of other files, or ..... )
> Any recommendation is helpful.
> Regards,
> --
> Emmanuel
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