[Numpy-discussion] The NumPy Mandelbrot code 16x slower than Fortran

Jonathan Rocher jrocher at enthought.com
Sun Jan 22 23:35:03 EST 2012

Hi all,

I was reading this while learning about Pytables in more details and the
origin of its efficiency. This sounds like a problem where out of core
computation using pytables would shine since the dataset doesn't fit into
CPU cache: http://www.pytables.org/moin/ComputingKernel. Of course
C/Cythonizing the problem would be another good way...


2012/1/22 Ondřej Čertík <ondrej.certik at gmail.com>

> On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 3:13 AM, Sebastian Haase <seb.haase at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > How does the algorithm and timing compare to this one:
> >
> >
> http://code.google.com/p/priithon/source/browse/Priithon/mandel.py?spec=svna6117f5e81ec00abcfb037f0f9da2937bb2ea47f&r=a6117f5e81ec00abcfb037f0f9da2937bb2ea47f
> >
> > The author of original version is  Dan Goodman
> Thanks Sebastian. This one is much faster ---- 2.7s on my laptop with
> the same dimensions/iterations.
> It uses a better datastructures -- it only keeps track of points that
> still need to be iterated --- very clever.
> If I have time, I'll try to provide an equivalent Fortran version too,
> for comparison.
> Ondrej
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Jonathan Rocher, PhD
Scientific software developer
Enthought, Inc.
jrocher at enthought.com
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