[Numpy-discussion] Status of the 1.7 release

Ondřej Čertík ondrej.certik at gmail.com
Sat Dec 15 18:52:01 EST 2012


If you go to the issues for 1.7 and click "high priority":


you will see 3 issues as of right now. Two of those have PR attached.
It's been a lot of work
to get to this point and I'd like to thank all of you for helping out
with the issues.

In particular, I have just fixed a very annoying segfault (#2738) in the PR:


If you can review that one carefully, that would be highly
appreciated. The more people the better,
it's a reference counting issue and since this would go into the 1.7
release and it's in the core of numpy,
I want to make sure that it's correct.

So the last high priority issue is:


and that's the one I will be concentrating on now. After it's fixed, I
think we are ready to release the rc1.

There are more open issues (that are not "high priority"):


But I don't think we should delay the release any longer because of
them. Let me know if there
are any objections. Of course, if you attach a PR fixing any of those,
we'll merge it.


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