[Numpy-discussion] Can't access NumPy documentation elements

Whitcomb, Mr. Tim Tim.Whitcomb at nrlmry.navy.mil
Thu Apr 5 18:57:49 EDT 2012

Good afternoon - we're having some issues here accessing the online documentation for the latest NumPy version:

1. Search for "numpy asarray" on Google
2. Top result is "numpy.asarray - NumPy v1.7.dev-72185d3 Manual (DRAFT)"
(or just go directly to link)
3. Click link - arrive at http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.asarray.html
4. Page has a title, links to previous/next topics, but no content.

If I manually go to the NumPy docs page and follow the links down to "array manipulation routines", I see that there are a bunch of entries in the table that I remember as being links, but are just plain text currently.  Did something go wrong with a build?


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