[Numpy-discussion] creating/working NumPy-ndarrays in C++

srean srean.list at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 15:55:25 EDT 2012

>> I think the story is that Cython overlaps enough with Weave that Weave
>> doesn't get any new users or developers.
> One big issue that I had with weave is that it compile on the fly. As a
> result, it makes for very non-distributable software (requires a compiler
> and the development headers installed), and leads to problems in the long
> run.
> Gael

I do not know much Cython, except for the fact that it is out there
and what it is supposed to do., but wouldnt Cython need a compiler too
? I imagine distributing Cython based code would incur similar amounts
of schlep.

But yes, you raise a valid point.  It does cause annoyances. One that
I have faced is with running the same code simultaneously over a mix
of 32 bit and 64 bit machines. But this is  because the source code
hashing function does not take the architecture into account. Shouldnt
be hard to fix.

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