[Numpy-discussion] wanted: decent matplotlib alternative

Russell E. Owen rowen at uw.edu
Thu Oct 13 17:18:00 EDT 2011

In article <8739ew90ry.fsf at falma.de>, Christoph Groth <cwg at falma.de> 

> Hello,
> Is it just me who thinks that matplotlib is ugly and a pain to use?  So
> far I haven't found a decent alternative usable from within python.  (I
> haven't tried all the packages out there.)  I'm mostly interested in 2d
> plots.  Who is happy enough with a numpy-compatible plotting package to
> recommend it?

I know folks who like HippoDraw and use it instead of matplotlib due to 
its speed. Veusz sounds promising. Both use Qt as a back end. I've not 
used either because I need Tcl/TK as a back end for much of my work.

-- Russell

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