[Numpy-discussion] iterate over multiple arrays

Olivier Delalleau shish at keba.be
Sat Oct 1 13:34:44 EDT 2011

It'll work, it is equivalent to the suggestion I made in my previous post
with the f_inplace wrapper function (and it has the same drawback that numpy
will allocate temporary memory, which wouldn't be the case if f was working
in-place directly, by implementing it as "arr *= 2").

Note that you don't need to write x[:] * 2, you can write x * 2 directly.

-=- Olivier

2011/10/1 David Froger <david.froger at gmail.com>

> Thanks everybody for the different solutions proposed, I really appreciate.
> What about this solution? So simple that I didn't think to it...
> import numpy as np
> from numpy import *
> def f(arr):
>      return arr*2
> a = array( [1,1,1] )
> b = array( [2,2,2] )
> c = array( [3,3,3] )
> d = array( [4,4,4] )
> for x in (a,b,c,d):
>    x[:] = x[:]*2
>    #instead of: x = x*2
> print a
> print b
> print c
> print d
> --
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