[Numpy-discussion] Cross-Compiling Numpy for NAO

Chris.Barker Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Tue Nov 8 13:11:21 EST 2011

On 11/7/11 10:16 AM, Carlos Neves wrote:
> I am a robotics student and I have used numpy to develop a controller
> for a humanoid robot. Now I am trying to implement the same controller
> to a different robot, NAO - http://www.aldebaran-robotics.com/
> This robot has a Linux based OS with Python 2.6.4. Since the goal is to
> implement the controller with the least changes possible and make sure
> the robot remains autonomous, it would be great to install numpy in it.
> The problem is that it is not possible to build numpy in the system and
> I was adviced to use the cross-compilation toolchain provided by
> Aldebaran. However, all their tutorials assume I can build the libraries
> I need with cmake, which isn't the case.

Over on the cython-users list, I'm pretty sure someone recently 
contributed a cmake-based build for cython code -- maybe it could be 
leveraged for numpy?



> So, is it possible to cross-compile numpy, given a cross-toolchain, with
> not much effort? The other option is to use openCV, which comes with the
> NAO OS, but it require quite a few changes in the program... I tried
> searching the archives, but was unable to find any relevant post.
> I hope you can help me!
> Thank you,
> Carlos Neves
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Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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