[Numpy-discussion] Array views

srean srean.list at gmail.com
Sat Mar 26 14:50:24 EDT 2011

Hi Christopher,

thanks for taking the time to reply at length. I do understand the concept
of striding in general but was not familiar with the  Numpy way of accessing
that information. So thanks for pointing me to .flag and .stride.

That said, BLAS/LAPACK do have apis that take the stride length into
account. But for sparse arrays I think its a hopeless situation. That is a
bummer, because sparse is what I need. Oh well, I will probably do it in C++

-- srean

p.s. I hope top posting is not frowned upon here. If so, I will keep that in
mind in my future posts.

On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 1:31 PM, Christopher Barker
<Chris.Barker at noaa.gov>wrote:

> Probably not -- the trick is that when an array is a view of a slice of
> another array, it may not be laid out in memory in a way that other libs
> (like LAPACK, BLAS, etc) require, so the data needs to be copied to call
> those routines.
> To understand all this, you'll need to study up a bit on how numpy
> arrays lay out and access the memory that they use: they use a concept
> of "strided" memory. It's very powerful and flexible, but most other
> numeric libs can't use those same data structures. I"m not sure what a
> good doc is to read to learn about this -- I learned it from messing
> with the C API. TAke a look at any docs that talk about "strides", and
> maybe playing with the "stride tricks" tools will help.
> A simple example:
> In [3]: a = np.ones((3,4))
> In [4]: a
> Out[4]:
> array([[ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
>        [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
>        [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.]])
> In [5]: a.flags
> Out[5]:
>   F_CONTIGUOUS : False
>   OWNDATA : True
>   WRITEABLE : True
>   ALIGNED : True
> So a is a (3,4) array, stored in C_contiguous fashion, jsut like a
> "regular old C array". A lib expecting data in this fashion could use
> the data pointer just like regular C code.
> In [6]: a.strides
> Out[6]: (32, 8)
> this means is is 32 bytes from the start of one row to the next, and 8
> bytes from the start of one element to the next -- which makes sense for
> a 64bit double.
> In [7]: b = a[:,1]
> In [10]: b
> Out[10]: array([ 1.,  1.,  1.])
> so b is a 1-d array with three elements.
> In [8]: b.flags
> Out[8]:
>   C_CONTIGUOUS : False
>   F_CONTIGUOUS : False
>   OWNDATA : False
>   WRITEABLE : True
>   ALIGNED : True
> but it is NOT C_Contiguous - the data is laid out differently that a
> standard C array.
> In [9]: b.strides
> Out[9]: (32,)
> so this means that it is 32 bytes from one element to the next -- for a
> 8 byte data type. This is because the elements are each one element in a
> row of the a array -- they are not all next to each other. A regular C
> library generally won't be able to work with data laid out like this.
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