[Numpy-discussion] [ANN] Cython 0.15

Paul Anton Letnes paul.anton.letnes at gmail.com
Sun Aug 7 16:31:27 EDT 2011

Looks like you have done some great work! I've been using f2py in the past, but I always liked the idea of cython - gradually wrapping more and more code as the need arises. I read somewhere that fortran wrapping with cython was coming - dare I ask what the status on this is? Is it a goal for cython to support easy fortran wrapping at all?

Keep up the good work!

On 6. aug. 2011, at 11.18, Dag Sverre Seljebotn wrote:

> We are excited to announce the release of Cython 0.15, which is a huge
> step forward in achieving full Python language coverage as well as
> many new features, optimizations, and bugfixes.
> Download: http://cython.org/ or http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Cython
> == Major Features ==
>  * Generators (yield) - Cython has full support for generators,
> generator expressions and coroutines. 
> http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0342/
>  * The nonlocal keyword is supported.
>  * Re-acquiring the gil: with gil - works as expected within a nogil
> context.
>  * OpenMP support: 
> http://docs.cython.org/0.15/src/userguide/parallelism.html
>  * Control flow analysis prunes dead code and emits warnings and
> errors about uninitialised variables.
>  * Debugger command cy set to assign values of expressions to Cython
> variables and cy exec counterpart cy_eval().
>  * Exception chaining http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3134/
>  * Relative imports http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0328/
>  * The with statement has its own dedicated and faster C
> implementation.
>  * Improved pure syntax including cython.cclass, cython.cfunc, and
> cython.ccall. http://docs.cython.org/0.15/src/tutorial/pure.html
>  * Support for del.
>  * Boundschecking directives implemented for builtin Python sequence
> types.
>  * Several updates and additions to the shipped standard library pxd
> files https://github.com/cython/cython/tree/master/Cython/Includes
>  * Forward declaration of types is no longer required for circular
> references.
> Note: this will be the last release to support Python 2.3; Python 2.4
> will be supported for at least one more release.
> == General improvements and bug fixes ==
> This release contains over a thousand commits including hundreds of
> bugfixes and optimizations.  The bug tracker has not been as heavily
> used this release cycle, but is still useful
> http://trac.cython.org/cython_trac/query?status=closed&group=component&order=id&col=id&col=summary&col=milestone&col=status&col=type&col=priority&col=owner&col=component&milestone=0.15&desc=1
> == Incompatible changes ==
>  * Uninitialized variables are no longer initialized to None and
> accessing them has the same semantics as standard Python.
>  * globals() now returns a read-only dict of the Cython module's
> globals, rather than the globals
>    of the first non-Cython module in the stack
>  * Many C++ exceptions are now special cases to give closer Python
> counterparts.  This means that except+ functions that formally raised
> generic RuntimeErrors may raise something else such as
> ArithmaticError.
> == Known regressions ==
>  * The inlined generator expressions (introduced in Cython 0.13) were
> disabled in favour of full generator expression support. This induces
> a performance regression for cases that were previously inlined.
> == Contributors ==
> Many thanks to:
> Francesc Alted,
> Haoyu Bai,
> Stefan Behnel,
> Robert Bradshaw,
> Lars Buitinck,
> Lisandro Dalcin,
> John Ehresman,
> Mark Florisson,
> Christoph Gohlke,
> Jason Grout,
> Chris Lasher,
> Vitja Makarov,
> Brent Pedersen,
> Dag Sverre Seljebotn,
> Nathaniel Smith,
> and Pauli Virtanen
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