[Numpy-discussion] Github migration?

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 11:46:53 EDT 2010

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 2:56 PM, Jason McCampbell <jmccampbell at enthought.com
> wrote:

> Hi Chuck (and anyone else interested),
> I updated the refactoring page on the NumPy developer wiki (seems to be
> down or I'd paste in the link).  It certainly isn't complete, but there are
> a lot more details about the data structures and memory handling and an
> outline of some additional topics that needs to be filled in.
Thanks  Jason. How much of the core library can be used without any
reference counting? I was originally thinking that the base ufuncs would
just be functions accepting a pointer and a descriptor and handling memory
allocations and such would be at a higher level. That is to say, the object
oriented aspects of numpy would be removed from the bottom layers where they
just get in the way.

Also, since many of the public macros expect the old type structures, what
is going to happen with them? They are really part of the API, but a
particularly troublesome part for going forward.


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