[Numpy-discussion] tests fails when run $nosetests numpy, but not from python prompt

Friedrich Romstedt friedrichromstedt at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 05:40:21 EDT 2010

2010/10/25 Vincent Davis <vincent at vincentdavis.net>:
> On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 6:29 PM,  <josef.pktd at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 8:17 PM, Ralf Gommers
>> <ralf.gommers at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Vincent Davis <vincent at vincentdavis.net> wrote:
>>>> python2.7 10.5, osx 10.6, numpy 1.5.1rc1
>>>> Test pass when run from python prompt (see bottom) but fail when run
>>>> from $nosetests numpy.
>>> That is expected, see
>>> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.numeric.general/40781.
>> That only applies to the first group of tests,
>> On the commandline he has 19 additional test compared to numpy.test()
>> and failures like
>> /tmp/tmpOjoP4S/_test_ext_module_5403.so: mach-o, but wrong architecture
>> Are there tests in numpy.test() that are skipped for some other reason
>> (e.g. decorated as slow) ?
> A little more looking into this I think it might be a osx issue. I
> can't seem to find it now but nosetests runs the following
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/Python.app
> I am guessing that Python.app loads the wrong python (python2.7 or
> python2.7-32)  or something like that. It might be that this is more
> of a nose python2.7 issue.

105osxpython:numpy Friedrich$ head

Same applies to the 2.6 & 2.5 :file:`nosetests`.  At least for the
2.7, the MacOS/Python called has different size than the bin/python2.7
cmd line executable.  So it's simply something completely different.
Still it makes the errors not explained.

I remember Ralf's post cited by himself.

FYI, the MacOS/Python executable has all three archs.

We came to the conclusion, so simple not use nosetests, and to leave
this mysterious issue to later, I will document it on the numpy build
doc web site.


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