[Numpy-discussion] datarray repositories have diverged

Joshua Holbrook josh.holbrook at gmail.com
Fri Oct 1 15:22:01 EDT 2010

One thing I'd like to throw out there is that I haven't really done
anything with my branch past maybe adding a gh-pages branch, and
probably won't be for a while, if at all. As it turns out, I have a
hard time concentrating on the intricacies of apis. >_<

--Josh (jesusabdullah :E )

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 11:10 AM, Fernando Perez <fperez.net at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 9:41 AM, Rob Speer <rspeer at mit.edu> wrote:
>> The way you'd usually get something merged in this kind of project is
>> to send a pull request to the leader using the "Pull Request" button.
>> But in this case, I'm basically making my pull request on the mailing
>> list, because it's not straightforward enough for a simple pull
>> request.
> I just wanted to reply temporarily to say that I'm *not* ignoring this
> discussion, despite appearances to the contrary :)  In the next week
> we hope to put some time into this at work, and I'll try to catch up
> with the discussion tomorrow.
> One thing to note is that the new pull request system on GH is leaps
> and bounds better than the old.  Now they get automatically an issue,
> a discussion page, a stable url, etc.  So if anyone has anything on
> datarray that they feel is ready to pull, it would be great if you
> could click again on the pull request button (GH did not auto-migrate
> old pull requests to the new system, they need to be made again
> manually).
> And we'll do our best to hold our end of the bargain of collaborative
> development over the next few days :)
> Regards,
> f
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