[Numpy-discussion] curious about how people would feel about moving to github

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Thu May 27 02:05:42 EDT 2010

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 11:55 PM, Matthew Brett <matthew.brett at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> > No, I am saying we need at least five people who can commit to the main
> > repo. That is the central repository model.
> Excellent - yes - that's reasonable.  Then if you also agree to this:
> > No development in the main repo.  Merges only.
> then we're all in full agreement.
How does that differ from what we do now? Review? I develop in my own
branches as is.

> > Review is fine, and it would be nice if more people were reviewing code.
> At
> > the moment I think it is just Pauli, Stefan, and myself.
> Right - and that is partly because it so much harder to do review with
> the model that we have at the moment, and partly because we don't yet
> have the tradition in numpy of review.   I think - honestly - if we're
> going to be able to encourage and train new developers - we'll have to
> get on that as soon as we can...
True, but what happens when there is no review? I might point out that there
are currently tickets with patches for review going back two years and
reviewing a patch isn't *that* much harder than visiting github. Using git
makes merging changes much easier, but it doesn't solve the review problem.

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