[Numpy-discussion] printing structured arrays

Tim Michelsen timmichelsen at gmx-topmail.de
Mon Mar 8 13:55:34 EST 2010

I am also looking into the convertsion from strcutured arrays to ndarray.

> I've just started playing with numpy and have noticed that when printing
> a structured array that the output is not nicely formatted. Is there a
> way to make the formatting look the same as it does for an unstructured
> array?

> Output is:
> ### ndarray
> [[ 1.   2. ]
>  [ 3.   4.1]]
> ### structured array
> [(1.0, 2.0) (3.0, 4.0999999999999996)]
How could we make this structured array look like the above shown
ndarray with shape (2, 2)?

Thanks for any additional hint,

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