[Numpy-discussion] checking for array type in C extension

Berthold Hoellmann berthold.hoellmann at gl-group.com
Fri Jun 18 11:22:10 EDT 2010

Robert Kern <robert.kern at gmail.com> writes:

> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 09:43, Berthold Hoellmann
> <berthold.hoellmann at gl-group.com> wrote:
>> Pauli Virtanen <pav at iki.fi> writes:
>>> pe, 2010-06-18 kello 12:49 +0200, Berthold Hoellmann kirjoitti:
>>> [clip]
>>>> tst.inttestfunc(np.array((1,2),dtype=np.int))
>>>> tst.inttestfunc(np.array((1,2),dtype=np.int8))
>>>> tst.inttestfunc(np.array((1,2),dtype=np.int16))
>>>> tst.inttestfunc(np.array((1,2),dtype=np.int32))
>>>> tst.inttestfunc(np.array((1,2),dtype=np.int64))
>>>> hoel at pc090498 ~/pytest $ PYTHONPATH=build/lib.win32-2.5/ python xx.py
>>>> 1.4.1 ['C:\\Python25\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy']
>>>> PyArray_TYPE(array): 7; NPY_INT: 5
>>>> NPY_INT not found
>>>> PyArray_TYPE(array): 1; NPY_INT: 5
>>>> NPY_INT not found
>>>> PyArray_TYPE(array): 3; NPY_INT: 5
>>>> NPY_INT not found
>>>> PyArray_TYPE(array): 7; NPY_INT: 5
>>>> NPY_INT not found
>>>> PyArray_TYPE(array): 9; NPY_INT: 5
>>>> NPY_INT not found
>>>> NPY_INT32 is 7, but shouldn't NPY_INT correspond to numpy.int. And what
>>>> kind of int is NPY_INT in this case?
>>> I think the explanation is the following:
>>> - NPY_INT is a virtual type that is either int32 or int64, depending on
>>>   the native platform size.
>>> - It has its own type code, distinct from NPY_SHORT (= 3 = int32) and
>>>   NPY_LONG (= 7 = int64).
>>> - But the type specifier is replaced either by NPY_SHORT or NPY_LONG
>>>   on array creation, so no array is of this dtype.
>>>       Pauli
>> The documentation (i refere to NumPy User Guide, Release 1.5.0.dev8106)
>> claims that numpy.int is platform int and that "NPY_INT" is a C based
>> name, thus referring to int also.
> It is referring to the Python int type, not the C int type. Python
> ints are actually C longs underneath.

So it should be called "Platform python int" instead of "Platform int"
in the documetation. 

I now use 'sizeof' and 'c_int' from ctypes tp construct the dtype

  dtype('i%d' % sizeof(c_int))

Is there a way to avoid the usage of "ctypes" by using information
provided by numpy?

Kind regards

Berthold Höllmann
Germanischer Lloyd AG
Berthold Höllmann
Project Engineer, CAE Development
Brooktorkai 18
20457 Hamburg
Phone: +49(0)40 36149-7374
Fax: +49(0)40 36149-7320
e-mail: berthold.hoellmann at gl-group.com
Internet: http://www.gl-group.com

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