[Numpy-discussion] Compiling NumPy on 64 bit Solaris 10 sparc)

Dr. David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Fri Jul 30 04:47:33 EDT 2010

On 06/15/10 04:06 AM, Chris LeBlanc wrote:
> Hi,
> Firstly thanks to everyone that has helped bring NumPy to the point it
> is today.  Its an excellent bit of software.
> I've recently managed to get NumPy to compile on a 64 bit Solaris 10
> (sparc) machine.  We've embedded 64 bit Python in some of our C code
> using the Python C-API, and therefore require a 64 bit version of
> NumPy.
> I had to use a bit of a hack to get NumPy to compile in 64 bit mode,
> and I'm just wondering if there's a more elegant way of doing it?
> If I set CFLAGS to "-m64 -xcode=pic32", and CC to "/usr/bin/cc", it
> will raise the following error:
> ... snipped most of backtrace ...
>    File "/home/leblanc/source/numpy/numpy/distutils/command/build_src.py",
> line 385, in generate_sources
>      source = func(extension, build_dir)
>    File "numpy/core/setup.py", line 675, in get_mathlib_info
>      raise RuntimeError("Broken toolchain: cannot link a simple C program")
> However, if I create a wrapper script and set CC to the path of the
> wrapper, then it will build normally and create a NumPy module I can
> use from the 64 bit version of Python installed on the system
> (/usr/bin/sparcv9/python).  Here's the wrapper:
> #!/bin/sh
> /usr/bin/cc -m64 -xcode=pic32 $*
> I did a bit of googling and couldn't find much information on this
> issue (which is why I wanted to post this message, so others could
> find it).  I'm satisfied with the results, but wondering if there's a
> better way to do it.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> Chris LeBlanc

Chris, I just repied to your post, thinking it was one I had made, since I did 
post on a very similar topic - building numpy on 64-bit Solaris!

The solution which worked for me was

CC="gcc -m64"
export CC

I guess if you use the Sun compiler, it will be

CC="cc -m64"
export CC


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