[Numpy-discussion] numpy for Python 3?

Renato Fabbri renato.fabbri at gmail.com
Mon Jul 19 07:27:16 EDT 2010


The thing is:

1) get the path to where your python3 is installed (something like
c:\Python3) i don't remember that anymore.

2) run that setup with it, like c:\python3\python3 setup.py build

3) read CAREFULLY the output at your console. Specially the last
lines. Start looking for an error, try to find where all errors
start., that is, where the errors sequence is initiated.

4) When u find out what initiated the error sequence, solve it!

5) when "c:\....\python3 setup.py build" runs smoothly, do
"c:\...\python3 setup.py install"

if i may, consider installing a linux distro, maybe ubuntu (ubuntu
10.04 is running very well). life gets better.

best of luck,

2010/7/19 Richard D. Moores <rdmoores at gmail.com>:
> On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 03:47, Renato Fabbri <renato.fabbri at gmail.com> wrote:
>> anyway, svn and tortoise are very useful.
>> do some trial an error. try stuff, its easier than one usually imagine.
>> (tip: checkout the svn address, whatever that should mean to you at the moment)
> OK, I checked out, cd-ed to numpy, but "python3 setup.py build"
> doesn't work. Get
> c:\SVNRepository\numpy>python3 setup.py build
> 'python3' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.
> So I tried just
> c:\SVNRepository\numpy>setup.py build
> Saw stuff happen I didn't understand. Maybe complete screwed things
> up. How do I tell? What's next?
> Dick
> python3 setup.py build
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