[Numpy-discussion] dates, np.where finding months

Keith Goodman kwgoodman at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 10:11:30 EST 2010

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 6:01 AM, John [H2O] <washakie at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have an array with the leading column a series of datetime objects. It
> covers several years. What is the most efficient way to pull out all the
> 'January' dates?
> Right now I do this:
> A = array with column 0 datetime objects
> January = [i for i in A if i[0].month ==1 ]
> It works, but I would rather use np.where and get indices and not have to
> convert my list back into an array.

Instead of doing this:

>> A

array([[2010-01-01, 1],
       [2010-01-02, 2],
       [2010-02-01, 3],
       [2010-01-05, 4]], dtype=object)

>> [i for i in A if i[0].month==1]

[array([2010-01-01, 1], dtype=object),
 array([2010-01-02, 2], dtype=object),
 array([2010-01-05, 4], dtype=object)]

You could do this:

>> [i for i, date in enumerate(A[:,0]) if date.month==1]
   [0, 1, 3]

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