[Numpy-discussion] Removing datetime support for 1.4.x series ?

Jarrod Millman millman at berkeley.edu
Tue Feb 2 15:20:58 EST 2010

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 12:11 AM, David Cournapeau <cournape at gmail.com> wrote:
> Both Chuck and myself are in favor of removing the datetime altogether
> for 1.4.x as a solution. At least in my case, it is mostly justified
> by the report from David Huard that the current datetime support is
> still a bit too experimental to be useful for people who rely on
> binaries.


I know some people at Berkeley looked into using the current datetime
code and also felt it was too experimental to use at this point.  I
also agree with you that it is important to solve this issue ASAP.
Thanks for all your hard work with the 1.4 release and your effort in
tracking down this problem.


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