[Numpy-discussion] mingw-w64 tutorial ?

Sturla Molden sturla at molden.no
Sun Aug 22 08:58:25 EDT 2010

Remember that you will need the Win 7 SDK for .NET 3.5. The version  
for .NET 4 links with the wrong CRT. It's 1 GB download so Pick the  
correct. Remember that Python distutils needs the environment  
variables DISTUTILS_USE_SDK and MSSdk set to use it. The first we must  
set manually, the latter comes from running setenv.

VS2008 Express has a 64 bit compiler.  It's not available from the  
IDE, but we don't need that for Python extensions.


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Den 22. aug. 2010 kl. 00.02 skrev Christoph Gohlke <cgohlke at uci.edu>:

> On 8/21/2010 2:37 PM, Sebastian Haase wrote:
>> On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 11:29 PM, Christoph  
>> Gohlke<cgohlke at uci.edu>  wrote:
>>> On 8/21/2010 1:44 PM, Sebastian Haase wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> this is somewhat OT for this list, but since I know that David and
>>>> many others here have lot's of experience compiling C extensions I
>>>> thought I could just ask:
>>>> Looking at
>>>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/
>>>> I did not know (even after reading the FAQ) which file to  
>>>> download and
>>>> how things would eventually work.
>>>> I have a 64bit windows 7 installed, and got many precompiled  
>>>> packages
>>>> for amd64 Python 2.7 from
>>>> http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
>>>> (thanks to  Christoph Gohlke for all the work)
>>>> But now I have some C++ extensions on my own, and know how build  
>>>> them
>>>> using cygwin -- but that would only produce 32bit modules and  
>>>> should
>>>> be unusable.
>>>> So, the question is if someone has or knows of some tutorial  
>>>> about how
>>>> to go about this - step by step. This info could maybe even go the
>>>> scipy wiki....
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Sebastian Haase
>>> Hi Sebastian,
>>> I am not aware of such a tutorial. There's some information at
>>> <http://projects.scipy.org/numpy/wiki/MicrosoftToolchainSupport>
>>> I did not have good experience last time (about a year ago) I tried
>>> mingw-w64. Occasional crashes during compilation and at runtime.
>>> Probably that has changed. At least you have to create the missing
>>> libpython and libmsvcr90 libraries from the dlls and make  
>>> libmsvcr90 the
>>> default crt.
>>> You probably know that the "free" Windows 7 Platform SDK can be  
>>> used to
>>> build Python>=2.6 extensions written in C89.
>>> <http://mattptr.net/2010/07/28/building-python-extensions-in-a-modern-windows-environment/ 
>>> >
>>> --
>> Hi Christoph,
>> I did not exactly know this - thanks for the info (I knew about
>> something called Visual Studio Express 2003- but that only
>> works/worked for Python 2.5, I think...)
> You can use Visual Studio Express 2008 for building 32 bit extensions
> for Python >=2.6.
>> Rephrasing my original question: Is the mingw-w64 at all "easy" by  
>> now
> Don't know. David Cournapeau probably has the most experience.
> http://bugs.python.org/issue4709
> http://www.equation.com/servlet/equation.cmd?call=fortran
>> ? How about cross compiling to 64bit Windows from a 32bit Ubuntu  
>> (that
>> I could easily run on virtualbox) ?
> I am also interested in cross compiling on Ubuntu but have not found  
> the
> time to get started. The IOCBio project cross-compiles their 32 bit
> extensions on Linux
> <http://code.google.com/p/iocbio/wiki/BuildWindowsInstallersOnLinux>.
> But as you can see they use Wine and Mingw...
>> (But I'm not apposed at all to the "free" Windows 7 Platform SDK, so
>> I'll look into that -- giant download !?)
> About one GB.
>> Thanks,
>> Sebastian
> --
> Christoph
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