[Numpy-discussion] Installing numpy with MKL

David Warde-Farley dwf at cs.toronto.edu
Thu Aug 5 15:06:20 EDT 2010

On 2010-08-04, at 2:18 AM, Matthieu Brucher wrote:

> 2010/8/4 Søren Gammelmark <gammelmark at phys.au.dk>:
>>> I wouldn't know for sure, but could this be related to changes to the
>>> gcc compiler in Fedora 13 (with respect to implicit DSO linking) or
>>> would that only be an issue at build-time?
>>> http://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=UnderstandingDSOLinkChange
>> I'm not entirely sure I understand the link, but if it has anything to
>> do with the compiler it seems to me that it should be the Intel
>> compiler. The python I use is compiled with GCC but everything in numpy
>> is done with the Intel compilers. Shouldn't it then be something with
>> the Intel compilers?
>> /Søren
> Unfortunately, I think you'll ahve to use Dag's patch. MKL has a
> specific loading procedure since a few releases, you have to abide by
> it.

I've been having a similar problem compiling NumPy with MKL on a cluster with a site-wide license. Dag's site.cfg fails to config if I use 'iomp5' in it, since (at least with this version, 11.1) libiomp5 is located in 


whereas the actual proper MKL 


I've tried putting both in my library_dirs separated by a colon as is suggested by the docs, but python setup.py config fails to find MKL in this case. Has anyone else run into this issue?


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