[Numpy-discussion] Scientific Computing with Python, September 18, 2009

Neal Becker ndbecker2 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 13 18:41:43 EDT 2009

alan at ajackson.org wrote:

>>On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 7:26 PM, Robert Ferrell <ferrell at diablotech.com>
>>> On Sep 11, 2009, at 5:07 PM, Neal Becker wrote:
>>>> I'd love to participate in these webinars.  Problem is, AFAICT,
>>>> gotomeeting
>>>> only supports windows.
>>> I'm not certain that is correct.  I've participated in some of these,
>>> and Im' running OS X (10.5).  I think those were gotomeeting, although
>>> don't honestly recall.  Assuming nothing's changed, though, worked
>>> great on OS X.
>>I wasn't able to connect in the past using linux and their web site
>>says Windows or Mac.
>>FWIW, my friend sets these things up for work, and they use
>>commpartners or webex.  It looks like webex supports linux (don't know
>>about commpartners), but I don't know much about the details, costs
> The first 25 connections for Webex are pretty cheap, but after that it
> starts to get obnoxiously expensive. They have a strange pricing model
> that actually penalizes you for using more. Kind of like a pusher trying
> to get someone addicted. A taste is cheap, and once you're hooked...
> It does work well though. I have done webinars at work where I ran Linux
> in a vnc session on Windows, and then to Webex, all over the planet.
> Latency was minimal.
Here is a nice review:


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