[Numpy-discussion] numpy.int32, type inheritance and tp_flags

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Jun 2 01:50:53 EDT 2009

Charles R Harris wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 11:08 PM, David Cournapeau
> <david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp <mailto:david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp>>
> wrote:
>     Hi,
>        I have a question related to #1121
>     (http://projects.scipy.org/numpy/ticket/1121). With python 2.6,
>     PyInt_Check(a) if a is an instance of numpy.int32 does not work
>     anymore.
>     It think this is related to the python issue 2263
>     (http://bugs.python.org/issue2263), where the tp_flags has been
>     changed
>     for the python int object, change which influences PyInt_Check
>     behavior.
>     What should we do about it ? Right now, it looks like the
>     bitfields are
>     harcoded in scalar types - shouldn't we inherit them from the original
>     python types (in a field per field manner) instead ?
> Maybe, but why should it work for int32 anyway?

Because it does at the Python level ?

issubclass(np.int32, int) # True

And some code depends on this (I noticed the problem while tracking down
some issues for scipy 0.7.x on python 2.6), although the code could be
modified to not depend on it anymore I guess.

> IIRC, the python int type has different lengths on windows and linux
> 64 bit systems.

Yes, because the underlying C type is a long (at least for python 2.5.4
as I read it from Include/intobject.h in the sources). Windows (with MS
compilers at least) reserves 4 bytes only for long on 64 bits.

But is numpy.int32 really a subclass of int on 64 bits ? I played a bit
with numpy on python 2.4 64 bits (Linux):

import numpy as np
int(2**33) # Returns the right value, of type 'int'
np.int32(2**33) # Oups, 0

On 32 bits:

import numpy as np
int(2*33) # Returns the right value, of type 'long'
np.int32(2**33) # 66 ...
> And what about 3.0?

There is not python 2.* int anymore, only python 2.* long object (which
becomes the sole int object on py3k). The PyInt_* apis are gone too,
starting from 3.1.

> I think we probably need to do something here, but I'm not sure what.
> The different behavior of the numpy double and integer types
> corresponding to the python types as opposed to the rest of the scalar
> types is an issue that has annoyed me since forever.

I think for now I will just add a workaround in scipy. I don't
understand much about scalar types, so I don't have a clue about what to
do - I feel that it will be one dark area for 3.* porting, though :)



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