[Numpy-discussion] ANN: Numexpr 1.1, an efficient array evaluator

jh at physics.ucf.edu jh at physics.ucf.edu
Mon Jan 19 16:31:57 EST 2009

Thanks!  I think this will help the package attract a lot of users.

A couple of housekeeping things:

on http://code.google.com/p/numexpr:

  What it is? -> What is it? or What it is (no question mark)

on http://code.google.com/p/numexpr/wiki/Overview:

  The last example got incorporated as straight text somehow.

In firefox, the first code example runs into the pastel boxes on the
right for modest-width browsers.  This is a common problem with
firefox, but I think it comes from improper HTML code that IE somehow
deals with, rather than non-standard behavior in firefox.

One thing I'd add is a benchmark example against numpy.  Make it
simple, so that people can copy and modify the benchmark code to test
their own performance improvements.

I added an entry for it on the Topical Software list.  Please check it
out and modify as you see fit


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