[Numpy-discussion] Build errors

Michael Abshoff michael.abshoff at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 15 06:11:22 EST 2009

Gael Varoquaux wrote:

Hi Gael,

> OK, here we go for the stupid questions showing that I really don't
> understaind building well:
> I am building numpy on a Mandriva x86_64. I built an optimized ATLAS, and
> added the relevant lines to the site.cfg so that numpy does find the
> libraries. But now I get the following error at build:
> /usr/bin/ld: /volatile/varoquau/usr/lib//libptcblas.a(cblas_dptgemm.o):
> relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when
> making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
> /volatile/varoquau/usr/lib//libptcblas.a: could not read symbols: Bad
> value
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> I must confess I really have no clue what this means, and how I solve
> this.

You need to build dynamic version of ATLAS or alternatively make ATLAS 
use -fPIC during compilation when building static libs. Note that AFAIK 
ATLAS 3.8.2's make install does not copy over the dynamic libs, but you 
should be easily be able to copy them over manually.

The patch I am using is

--- Make.top.orig	2009-01-01 19:20:21.000000000 -0800
+++ Make.top	2008-03-20 02:26:35.000000000 -0700
@@ -298,5 +298,11 @@
  	- chmod 0644 $(INSTdir)/libf77blas.a
  	- cp $(LIBdir)/libptcblas.a $(INSTdir)/.
  	- cp $(LIBdir)/libptf77blas.a $(INSTdir)/.
+	- cp $(LIBdir)/libatlas.so $(INSTdir)/.
+	- cp $(LIBdir)/libcblas.so $(INSTdir)/.
+	- cp $(LIBdir)/libf77blas.so $(INSTdir)/.
+	- cp $(LIBdir)/liblapack.so $(INSTdir)/.
+	- chmod 0644 $(INSTdir)/libatlas.so $(INSTdir)/liblapack.so \
+		     $(INSTdir)/libcblas.so $(INSTdir)/libcblas.so
  	- chmod 0644 $(INSTdir)/libptcblas.a $(INSTdir)/libptf77blas.a

but you would need to add the appropriate lines for the multi threaded 
libs, too. The install issue is fixed in ATLAS 3.9.x AFAIK.

> Cheers,
> Gaël




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