[Numpy-discussion] problem with assigning to recarrays

Pierre GM pgmdevlist at gmail.com
Fri Feb 27 20:05:15 EST 2009

As a follow-up to Robert's answer:

 >>> r[r.field1 == 1].field2 = 1
doesn't work, but

 >>>r.field2[r.field1==1] = 1

> So far, so good.
> Now I want to change the value of field2 for those same elements:
> 	In [128]: r[where(r.field1 == 1.)].field2 = 1

> Ok, so now the values of field 2 have been changed, for those elements
> right?
> 	In [129]: r.field2
> 	Out[129]: array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.])
> Wait.  What?
> That can't be right.  Let's check again:
> 	In [130]: print r[where(r.field1 == 1.)].field2
> 	[ 0. 0.]
> Ok, so it appears that I can *access* fields in this array with an
> array of indices, but I can't assign new values to fields so
> accessed.  However, I *can* change the values if I use a scalar
> index.  This is different from the behavior of ordinary arrays, for
> which I can reassign elements' values either way.
> Moreover, when I try to reassign record array fields by indexing with
> an array of indices, it would appear that nothing at all happens.
> This syntax is equivalent to the pass command.
> So, my question is this:  is there some reason for this behavior in
> record arrays, which is unexpectedly different from the behavior of
> normal arrays, and rather confusing.   If so, why does the attempt to
> assign values to fields of an indexed subarray not raise some kind of
> error, rather than doing nothing?  I think it's unlikely that I've
> actually found a bug in numpy, but this behavior does not make sense
> to me.
> Thanks for any insights,
> Brian
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