[Numpy-discussion] Matlab's griddata3 for numpy?

Nadav Horesh nadavh at visionsense.com
Wed Dec 23 11:23:32 EST 2009

You probably have to use the generic interpolation function from scipy.interpolate module:
 scipy.interpolate.splprep,  scipy.interpolate.splev, etc.

It could be cumbersome but doable.


-----Original Message-----
From: numpy-discussion-bounces at scipy.org on behalf of reckoner
Sent: Wed 23-Dec-09 16:12
To: numpy-discussion at scipy.org
Subject: [Numpy-discussion] Matlab's griddata3 for numpy?

I realize that there is a griddata for numpy via matplotlib, but is 
there a griddata3 (same has griddata, but for higher dimensions).

Any help appreciated.

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