[Numpy-discussion] why does b[:-0] not work, and is there an elegant solution?.

Travis Oliphant oliphant at enthought.com
Wed Aug 19 19:40:25 EDT 2009

Use N = len(b) and then b[:N-n]


(mobile phone of)
Travis Oliphant
Enthought, Inc.

On Aug 19, 2009, at 7:25 AM, Mark Bakker <markbak at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello list,
> I compute the index of the last term in an array that I need and  
> call the index n.
> I can then call the array b as
> b[:-n]
> If I need all terms in the array, the logical syntax would be:
> b[:-0]
> but that doesn't work. Any reason why that has not been implemented?  
> Any elegant workaround?
> Thanks, Mark
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