[Numpy-discussion] after building from source, how to register numpy with synaptic?

David Warde-Farley dwf at cs.toronto.edu
Fri Apr 24 23:51:06 EDT 2009

On 24-Apr-09, at 10:11 PM, Chris Colbert wrote:

> Like the subject says, is there a way to register numpy with  
> synaptic after building numpy from source?
> I would like to snag matplotlib from the ubuntu repos, but it won't  
> let me without also getting numpy and its dependency, which would  
> ruin all the work I did building numpy on my machine.

I'd recommend building MPL from source too, as every MPL release makes  
leaps and bounds and the packages are likely a bit stale. But most  
package managers allow you to force installs without checking  
dependencies, as in "I know what I'm doing, just install it".

With apt-get I believe you'd have to download the .deb package and do  
something like

	sudo dpkg -i --force-depends matplotlib<whatever>.deb


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