[Numpy-discussion] Upper and lower envelopes

Anne Archibald peridot.faceted at gmail.com
Tue Sep 30 16:37:04 EDT 2008

2008/9/30 bevan <bevan07 at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I have some XY data.  I would like to generate the equations for an upper and
> lower envelope that excludes a percentage of the data points.
> I would like to define the slope of the envelope line (say 3) and then have my
> code find the intercept that fits my requirements (say 5% of data below the
> lower envelope).  This would then give me the equation and I could plot the
> upper and lower envelopes.
> I hope this makes sense.  Thanks for any help.

For this particular problem - where you know the slope - it's not too
hard. If the slope is b, and your points are x and y, compute y-b*x,
then sort that array, and choose the 5th and 95th percentile values.


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