[Numpy-discussion] (Late) summary of PEP-225 discussion at Scipy

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 17:00:20 EDT 2008

Hi all,

much delayed, but here it is, finally.  The doc regarding our
discussion about PEP 225 is attached, and I'm keeping a public copy
for viewing convenience (with html) here:


Note that, as indicated in the link above, the real doc is in bzr, so
you can check it out to generate patches or a  branch (the preferred
formats for big changes).

This is just a first cut, going from memory and notes.  I'd appreciate
any feedback, corrections, etc.  I'm giving a talk at the BayPiggies
group Nov 13 about SciPy and will take the opportunity to bring this
document up, since that user group has a lot of python people,
including some core developers.

Since this is from memory and written by me, it's likely pretty
biased.  But I really want to clarify that I'm trying to act as a
scribe here, not to push my own agenda (I do have one :).  So please
bring up anything you feel is missing/misstated here; I'd really like
to have a doc that people feel is a fair representation of the
community's views to bring to the core python team.  That way we
either get our operators or not once and for all, but this issue can
be put to rest in the language for good (as of 2.7/3.1, of course).

So let's have Nov 11 or so as a wrapup deadline on this discussion, so
I can have the summary ready for the Nov 13 talk.


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