[Numpy-discussion] Bilateral filter

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Tue Nov 25 11:13:28 EST 2008

Hi Nadav

2008/8/6 Nadav Horesh <nadavh at visionsense.com>:
> I made the following modification to the source code, I hope it is ready to
> be included in scipy.
> Added a BSD licence declaration.
> Small optimisation.
> The code is split into a cython back-end  and a python front-end.
> All remarks are welcome,

Thanks for working on a bilateral filter implementation.  Some comments:

1. Needs a setup.py file to build the Cython module (simplest possible
is attached)
2. numpy.numarray.nd_image should be scipy.ndimage
3. For inclusion in SciPy, we'll need some tests and preferably some examples.
4. Docstrings should be in SciPy format.
5. ndarray.h should be numpy/ndarray.h

Thanks for writing this filter; I found it useful!

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