[Numpy-discussion] PIL.Image.fromarray bug in numpy interface

Jim Vickroy Jim.Vickroy at noaa.gov
Mon Nov 24 12:26:28 EST 2008

Travis E. Oliphant wrote:
> Jim Vickroy wrote:
>> Hello,
>> While using the PIL interface to numpy, I rediscovered a logic error 
>> in the PIL.Image.fromarray() procedure.  The problem (and a solution) 
>> was mentioned earlier at:
>>     * http://projects.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2006-December/024903.html
>> There does not seem to be a formal way to report errors to the PIL 
>> project, and I was told that the PIL/numpy interface was contributed 
>> by the numpy developers so I'm reporting it here.
>> Please let me know if there is something additional I should do.
> I would suggest making a patch and submitting it to the PIL.   
I did post a suggested patch (one-liner) to the PIL group, but a couple 
of PIL respondents suggested that I submit the problem here.  I have 
followed the PIL group postings for some time, and my impression is that 
it is somewhat difficult to get reader-submitted patches acknowledged.
> -Travis
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