[Numpy-discussion] status of numpy 1.3.0

Pierre GM pgmdevlist at gmail.com
Mon Nov 24 10:39:31 EST 2008

Well, talking about support to 2.6:

When using explicit outputs for some functions (eg, ma.max,  
ma.min...), a value that should be masked is transformed into np.nan  
when the explicit output is not a ma.MaskedArray. That worked great in  
2.5, with np.nan automatically transformed when the explicit output  
had a int dtype. With 2.6, a ValueError is raised instead, as np.nan  
can no longer be casted to int. What should be the recommended  
behavior ? Raise a ValueError or some other exception, or silently  
replace np.nan by some value acceptable by int dtype (0, or something  
else) ?

On Nov 24, 2008, at 8:57 AM, Francesc Alted wrote:

> A Monday 24 November 2008, David Cournapeau escrigué:
>> Jarrod Millman wrote:
>>> Now that scipy 0.7.0b1 has been tagged, I wanted to start planning
>>> for the NumPy 1.3.0:
>>> http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/numpy/milestone/1.3.0
>> For completeness, we were wondering with  Jarrod if the main focus of
>> 1.3 could be python 2.6 compatibility (plus what is already in, of
>> course). This is mainly a concern on Mac OS X and Windows (numpy
>> seems to build and work OK on 2.6 on linux last time I tried).
>> The rationale was that although python 2.6 is not really a must have
>> compared to 2.5 for most usage of numpy/scipy, since people are now
>> directed to python 2.6 on python.org for windows and mac os X
>> installs, getting it working on 2.6. ASAP would avoid too much
>> trouble for newcomers.
> Not only newcomers, we all know people that likes to have the latest
> software in their machines even, as you said, 2.6 is not a big step
> forward in terms of new functionality.  So +1 for having support for
> 2.6 ASAP.
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Francesc Alted
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