[Numpy-discussion] Multiple Boolean Operations

Andrea Gavana andrea.gavana at gmail.com
Sat May 24 13:48:50 EDT 2008

Hi All,

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 4:50 PM, Andrea Gavana wrote:
> Hi Peter & All,
> On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 4:16 PM, Peter Creasey wrote:
>> Hi Andrea,
>> 2008/5/23  "Andrea Gavana" <andrea.gavana at gmail.com>:
>>> And so on. The probelm with this approach is that I lose the original
>>> indices for which I want all the inequality tests to succeed:
>> To have the original indices you just need to re-index your indices, as it were
>> idx = flatnonzero(xCent >= xMin)
>> idx = idx[flatnonzero(xCent[idx] <= xMax)]
>> idx = idx[flatnonzero(yCent[idx] >= yMin)]
>> idx = idx[flatnonzero(yCent[idx] <= yMax)]
>> ...
>> (I haven't tested this code, apologies for bugs)
>> However, there is a performance penalty for doing all this re-indexing
>> (I once fell afoul of this), and if these conditions "mostly" evaluate
>> to True you can often be better off with one of the solutions already
>> suggested.
> Thank you for your answer. I have tried your suggestion, and the
> performances are more or less comparable with the other NumPy
> implementations (yours is roughly 1.2 times slower than the others),
> but I do gain some advantage when the subgrids are very small (i.e.,
> most of the values in the first array are already False). I'll go and
> implement your solution when I have many small subgrids in my model.

I have added a few more implementations for this issue. One think that
stroke me was that I could actually use sorted arrays for my xCent,
yCent and zCent vectors, so I came up with a solution which uses
numpy.searchsorted but the speed is more or less as it was without
sorting. The specific function is this:

def MultipleBoolean13():
    """ Numpy solution 5 (Andrea). """

    searchsorted = numpy.searchsorted

    indxStart, indxEnd = searchsorted(xCentS, [xMin, xMax])
    indyStart, indyEnd = searchsorted(yCentS, [yMin, yMax])
    indzStart, indzEnd = searchsorted(zCentS, [zMin, zMax])

    xInd = numpy.zeros((nCells), dtype=numpy.bool)
    yInd = xInd.copy()
    zInd = xInd.copy()

    xInd[xIndices[indxStart:indxEnd]] = True
    yInd[yIndices[indyStart:indyEnd]] = True
    zInd[zIndices[indzStart:indzEnd]] = True

    xyzReq = numpy.nonzero(xInd & yInd & zInd)[0]

Where xCentS, yCentS and zCentS are the sorted arrays. I don't see any
easy way to optimize this method, so I'd like to know if it is
possible to code it better than I did. I have done some testing and
timings of all the solutions we came up until now (12
implementations), and this is what I get (please notice the nice work
or ascii art :-D :-D  ):


                       Number Of Cells: 50000
| Rank |      Method Name      | Execution Time | Relative Slowness |
   1        NumPy 5 (Andrea)       0.00562803          1.00000
   2       NumPy 1 (Francesc)      0.00563365          1.00100
   3        NumPy 2 (Nathan)       0.00577322          1.02580
   4    NumPy 4 (Nathan-Vector)    0.00580577          1.03158
   5       Fortran 6 (James)       0.00660514          1.17361
   6        Fortran 3 (Alex)       0.00709856          1.26129
   7       Fortran 5 (James)       0.00748726          1.33035
   8        Fortran 2 (Mine)       0.00748816          1.33051
   9        Fortran 1 (Mine)       0.00775906          1.37864
  10      Fortran 4 {Michael)      0.00777685          1.38181
  11        NumPy 3 (Peter)        0.01253662          2.22753
  12        Cython (Stefan)        0.01597804          2.83901

                       Number Of Cells: 100000
| Rank |      Method Name      | Execution Time | Relative Slowness |
   1        NumPy 5 (Andrea)       0.01080372          1.00000
   2        NumPy 2 (Nathan)       0.01109147          1.02663
   3       NumPy 1 (Francesc)      0.01114189          1.03130
   4    NumPy 4 (Nathan-Vector)    0.01214118          1.12380
   5       Fortran 6 (James)       0.01351264          1.25074
   6       Fortran 5 (James)       0.01368450          1.26665
   7        Fortran 3 (Alex)       0.01373010          1.27087
   8        Fortran 2 (Mine)       0.01415306          1.31002
   9        Fortran 1 (Mine)       0.01425558          1.31951
  10      Fortran 4 {Michael)      0.01443192          1.33583
  11        NumPy 3 (Peter)        0.02463268          2.28002
  12        Cython (Stefan)        0.04298108          3.97836

                       Number Of Cells: 150000
| Rank |      Method Name      | Execution Time | Relative Slowness |
   1       NumPy 1 (Francesc)      0.01613255          1.00000
   2        NumPy 5 (Andrea)       0.01619734          1.00402
   3        NumPy 2 (Nathan)       0.01647855          1.02145
   4    NumPy 4 (Nathan-Vector)    0.01779452          1.10302
   5        Fortran 3 (Alex)       0.02064676          1.27982
   6        Fortran 2 (Mine)       0.02382278          1.47669
   7      Fortran 4 {Michael)      0.02404563          1.49050
   8       Fortran 5 (James)       0.02734487          1.69501
   9       Fortran 6 (James)       0.02762538          1.71240
  10        Fortran 1 (Mine)       0.03028402          1.87720
  11        NumPy 3 (Peter)        0.03625735          2.24746
  12        Cython (Stefan)        0.07515276          4.65845

                       Number Of Cells: 200000
| Rank |      Method Name      | Execution Time | Relative Slowness |
   1        NumPy 5 (Andrea)       0.02187359          1.00000
   2       NumPy 1 (Francesc)      0.02309221          1.05571
   3        NumPy 2 (Nathan)       0.02323452          1.06222
   4    NumPy 4 (Nathan-Vector)    0.02378610          1.08743
   5        Fortran 3 (Alex)       0.02792134          1.27649
   6        Fortran 2 (Mine)       0.03119301          1.42606
   7      Fortran 4 {Michael)      0.03221007          1.47256
   8       Fortran 5 (James)       0.03584257          1.63862
   9       Fortran 6 (James)       0.03627464          1.65838
  10        Fortran 1 (Mine)       0.04048422          1.85083
  11        NumPy 3 (Peter)        0.04765184          2.17851
  12        Cython (Stefan)        0.09927396          4.53853

                       Number Of Cells: 250000
| Rank |      Method Name      | Execution Time | Relative Slowness |
   1        NumPy 5 (Andrea)       0.02651608          1.00000
   2       NumPy 1 (Francesc)      0.02864898          1.08044
   3        NumPy 2 (Nathan)       0.02933160          1.10618
   4    NumPy 4 (Nathan-Vector)    0.02960466          1.11648
   5        Fortran 3 (Alex)       0.03427299          1.29254
   6        Fortran 2 (Mine)       0.03848291          1.45130
   7      Fortran 4 {Michael)      0.03919467          1.47815
   8       Fortran 6 (James)       0.04430585          1.67091
   9       Fortran 5 (James)       0.04765620          1.79726
  10        Fortran 1 (Mine)       0.04914228          1.85330
  11        NumPy 3 (Peter)        0.05981760          2.25590
  12        Cython (Stefan)        0.12797177          4.82619

                       Number Of Cells: 300000
| Rank |      Method Name      | Execution Time | Relative Slowness |
   1        NumPy 5 (Andrea)       0.03365729          1.00000
   2       NumPy 1 (Francesc)      0.03470315          1.03107
   3        NumPy 2 (Nathan)       0.03519601          1.04572
   4    NumPy 4 (Nathan-Vector)    0.03529574          1.04868
   5        Fortran 3 (Alex)       0.04167365          1.23818
   6        Fortran 2 (Mine)       0.04653522          1.38262
   7      Fortran 4 {Michael)      0.04711222          1.39976
   8       Fortran 6 (James)       0.05287650          1.57103
   9       Fortran 5 (James)       0.05686667          1.68958
  10        Fortran 1 (Mine)       0.05913682          1.75703
  11        NumPy 3 (Peter)        0.07183072          2.13418
  12        Cython (Stefan)        0.15876811          4.71720

* ELAPSED TIME: 64.828 Seconds *

Just in case someone is interested in it, I attach the source code of
the implementations I have so far. Thank you vey much for your


"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."
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