[Numpy-discussion] Read array from file

Dimitrios Kiousis dkiousis at gmail.com
Fri Mar 14 06:12:48 EDT 2008

Hello python users,

I have an input file consisting of string-lines and float-lines. This is how
it looks:

# vtk DataFile Version 3.0
VTK file exported from FEAP
  15.44261   12.05814   54.43124
  15.54899   12.00075   53.85503
  15.95802   11.92959   53.88939
  15.84085   12.00235   54.43274
  15.53889   11.16645   54.51649
  15.57673   11.10806   53.96009
  16.10059   11.06809   53.87672
  16.04238   11.11615   54.47454
  15.78142   11.82206   53.33932
  16.13055   11.75515   53.37313

I want to read the first 5 string lines, and then store the float data
(coordinates) into an array.
It took me some time to figure this out but this is the script with which I
came out:

 # Read and write the first information lines
for i in range(0,5):
  Fdif.write( Fpst.readline() )

# Read and write coordinates
# --------------------------

# Initialization
coords = zeros( (nnod,3), float )

for i in range(0,nnod):
  # Read line
  x = Fref.readline() # Read lines
  x = x.split()       # Split line to strings
  x = map ( float,x ) # Convert string elements to floats
  x = array ( x )     # Make an array
  for j in range (0,3):
    coords[i,j] = x[j]

It seems quite complicated to me, but I haven't figure any nicer way. Could
you tell me if what I am doing looks reasonanble or if there are any other
Do I really need to initiallize coords?

Thanks in advance,
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