[Numpy-discussion] Review of issue 825

Neil Muller drnlmuller+scipy at gmail.com
Wed Jun 25 16:26:25 EDT 2008

On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 8:46 PM, Charles R Harris
<charlesr.harris at gmail.com> wrote:
> Looks to me like the NPY_ALIGNED flag is incorrectly set. Can you check
> this  by printing the results of

For the test listed in the ticket, the array isn't flagged as aligned

I'm under the impression that NPY_ALIGNED refers to the alignment of
the entire entry, though, in which case it's irrelevant here, since
the problem is with the internal alignment of items within a single
array entry.

Neil Muller
drnlmuller at gmail.com

I've got a gmail account. Why haven't I become cool?

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