[Numpy-discussion] seeking help with f2py_options

Helmut Rathgen h.rathgen at utwente.nl
Sat Jun 21 08:28:58 EDT 2008

Dear all,

I am trying to write a setp.py based on numpy.distutils for a mixed 
python/fortran90 package.

I'd like to specify the fortran compiler, such as the path to the 
compiler, compiler flags, etc. in setup.py.

I seemed to understand that this should be done by passing 'f2py_options 
= [ "...", "..." ]' to numpy.distutils.core.Extension()

However, I get errors such as

helmut at ncv77:~/src/testdistutils$ python setup.py build
running build
running scons
customize UnixCCompiler
Found executable /usr/bin/gcc
customize GnuFCompiler
Could not locate executable g77
Could not locate executable f77
customize IntelFCompiler
Found executable /opt/intel/fc/10.0.026/bin/ifort
customize IntelFCompiler
customize UnixCCompiler
customize UnixCCompiler using scons
running config_cc
unifing config_cc, config, build_clib, build_ext, build commands 
--compiler options
running config_fc
unifing config_fc, config, build_clib, build_ext, build commands 
--fcompiler options
running build_src
building extension "mrcwaf" sources
f2py options: ['--fcompiler=intel', 
'--f90exec=/opt/intel/fc/10.0.026/bin/ifort', '--opt="-O3 -xW -ipo"', 
f2py: src/mrcwaf/mrcwaf.pyf
Unknown option '--fcompiler=intel'

How to use f2py_options - or should flags be passed in a different way?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!

Kind Regards,

Helmut Rathgen

Dipl. Phys. Helmut Rathgen
Physics of Complex Fluids | Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Twente | Postbus 217 | 7500 AE Enschede | The Netherlands
office +31 (0)53 489 3093                       home +31 (0)53 478 2346
fax    +31 (0)53 489 1096                       cell +31 (0)61 645 8938
sip    sip:helmut.rathgen at ekiga.net

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